A series that follows the journey of how the protagonist becomes the antagonist and how she falls out of love then back in love. Each story follows a different character and how their actions contribute to the overall journey.
$4.99 USD
A story about choosing your family and the consequences of that choice .
A not so successful author and her not so famous work
$1.50 USD per audiobook
$6.04 USD
A story about a woman who is trying to figure out who killed her while falling in love with a Reaper.
About Sonya
Sonya Watson is neither a New York Times nor a Toronto Star bestselling author of Family Matters, Who Killed Athena Wainwright and The Love series.
She marches to the beat of her own drum and does not like referring to herself in the third person. The irony is not lost on her. It appears that all authors refer to themselves in the third person on their about pages so she thought that just this once she would follow suit.
Combining her love of poetry, dance and anything rhythmic, she creates works that are lyrical in nature. She hopes one day SOON to sell many audiobooks because you know the woman has to eat but her true goal is to provoke thought, entertain and make people feel feelings.
Sonya would like to give a shout-out to her parents for making and moulding her. A special thanks to the makers of K-dramas and K-beauty because her mind is inspired, her heart is awwing and her skin is so supple. A high five to the inventor of cake, cheesecake and nutella because her tummy feels so much joy. A head nod to the sun, birds and trees for giving her a reason to smile when she’s had a sad somewhat monotonous day. A smile to spell check because although she is an author sometimes she can’t spell. AND a fist bump to all her supporters.
Poetry Readings
Frequently Asked Questions That No one Has Asked
Why are the summaries of your audiobooks so short?
Why did you decide to create a Webtoon?
What future project are you most looking forward to writing?
What words do you live by?
What is your go to piece (s) in your closet?
Rapid Fire Questions -Food Edition
Rice or Sweet Potato?
Wine or Water?
Pulled Pork or Brisket?
Beef Burger or Pasta?
Cake or Ice Cream?
Cake or Pie?
Cake or Lemon Tart?
Cake or Butter Tart?
Cake or Ice Cream Cake?
Cake Cake or Cheesecake?